Welcome to The Metamorphosis Training:
"Now you can make 2020 your best year ever..."

The Metamorphosis Training is available on this page till 17 january 2020!!!

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Instruction video

Metamorphosis level 1

Welcome to Metamorphosis - Introduction video

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Start now with Level 1...

Welcome to Metamorphosis level 1

Are you ready?

 "You are about to undertake the most powerful journey within yourself..."

Let me help you to get a clear vision of what you want, who you want to be and how you want your life to be. Lots of work right? Well in this training it will be easy for you. Get ready. You are about to undertake the most powerful journey within yourself. The first step to all your succes is to be able to think clearly about the thing you want. Let me explain: You are a creative being and life energy is constantly flowing to and through you, with that life energy substance, just like gasoline for a car, you can think, and think whatever you want. The thing is that that what you think with great emotion and intensity or love, and act upon daily, is the thing that will manifest. So the thing that you think, in that substance, must create itself, that is the law. The secret is to choose the ideal scène of your life and fall deeply in love with it, like you have never felt before. That is exactly what is gonna happen while you go through this training. This ideal scène of you, is your vision. The Law of life works for the advancement of all things and time will help you to manifest your ideal scène. I want you to understand that it all starts with you, right here, right now. You need to constantly feed the thinking stuff in your mind, the thing you love most to manifest in your life. That's the gift for you. Impress it deeply in the garden of your mind. Be emotionally involved with it every day. Make love with it so to speak. This is the key to all success, although most of us have never learned it. It is by far the most untaught technique today, for as valuable as it is.

Let your body body vibrate in the assumption that your desire is already fullfilled, you are thankful for it in the same time and then you are constantly taking action towards the fulfillment of your vision. This is a constant discipline that must take place in your mind and therefore automatically in your life. Having the fullfilled desire in mind at all times and have FAITH in it. Do not betray it, do not doubt it, do not take your love out of it, don't cheat on yourself, don't abandon yourself. Instead, love your ideal scene.    

For every desire that you have ever imagined, that didn’t materialize into your world, was lacking a meticulously clear, precisely defined and focused vision of your goal. So your life can only reflecting back to you what you have been feeding in your mind.
If you look back on anything you have ever achieved, even if it wasn’t the results you wanted, you will notice some relevant consistencies. What were the constant thoughts you engaged in and the visuals you held in your mind’s eye? You will find that whatever you focused your attention on is the result that showed up in your life. It didn’t matter whether you focused on what you wanted or what you didn’t want, the ideas, images and thoughts that you held in your mind, shot out and connected with massive energy, and showed up as your result in your life.


So let’s get started... Make sure you do all the exercises step-by-step only then you will have the best results out of this training. I will help you to make a life script (very powerful) with your ideal scène, your true hearts desire and life purpose!
If money was no object how and what would your life look like right now? Go wild, be unrealistic, be honest and be excited this will 100% work for you! Let's begin here now ...

Answer these questions now:

Where do you live? In which country, if money was not a concern?                      

What type of car or vehicle would you drive around and how do you feel driving it?


What kind of furniture are you having in your house? With what kind of style? What does it smell like? Is it organized and neat or empty and spacious, describe in detail?


Think about those who are financially successful or have the exact lifestyle that you want? Is there already somebody living your dream-life? Visualize yourself living that specific lifestyle with them. Pay attention to all that you see in your mind.


Which countries or states would you take a vacation to? Who joins you and for how long are you planning to be on your trips?

What is your health like? How do you take care of yourself to keep up with the activities that create the type of lifestyle you are leading? Describe in detail.


What daily activities are you doing that creates the lifestyle with the financial freedom you want?

What do you do to unwind, relax and stay healthy?

Now most importantly... How would you feel every day? Imagine waking up in the morning, how passionate, energetic and rested do you feel? Describe in detail. Are you ready to take on your day with enthusiasm? When you wake up in the morning

does your energy last all day based on your passion for the life your living? Do you go to sleep satisfied from your events of the day?                    

Metamorphosis level 2

Welcome to Metamorphosis level 2

What did you do to be where you are now?

Understand how you have come in the place where you are now...

iThis exercise is an amazing one. You will discover so much about how you use your creative power. Your thoughts, feelings and actions together in harmony (attitude) is the tool with which you communicate directly with infinite intelligence, spirit or the universe. If you don't know yet, or are not consciously aware of how you think, feel and act in a certain situation or towards a certain topic in your life, that are creating results in your daily life, then you are missing a very important opportunity. Let me help you to become aware of how you have been creating your results so far, that showed up in your daily life. Just do the exercise below with your full attention and you will be able to see how you have been thinking, feeling and acting and where and how to course correct.

If you don't know where you are in a city, it is almost impossible to get where you want to go. This exercise helps you to see the reasons why the results that you are dreaming of (and is your birthright) haven't manifested yet. Just like an airplane needs to course correct to arrive at its destination, you need to do the same. The destination must be there. You need to be 100% honest with yourself and be fully transparent towards yourself, then and only then, do you become aware and clearly see, where you are. Coming to terms with yourself and everything that you are doing, not doing, everything that you are being , not being etc...The amount of truth that you can accept about yourself without running away will determine the amount of succes you have in life.

Take response-ability for every thought, feeling and action (this is taking your creative power back). Be honest to yourself and choose to do this and be willing to change. Remember we have not learned to do this. Write everything down that comes to mind and take as much time and as much paper as you need. This is the moment in which everything will begin to change for the better.

This exercise is not about blaming yourself or others or anything else. It’s about the realization of what you are doing that isn’t working the way you wanted it to, you need to be very specific here. Take a look at your results and how they manifested in your life, write them all down here.Go do the exercise now.

Look at the results that have manifested in your life and become aware of how you have used your thoughts, feelings and actions to get where you are now, write them all down...
















"Once you have written these all down, go back and re-read them. Really take a look at how these thoughts and images worked in your life"                      

Just take a look again over the things you have written down so far and learn how these thoughts, feelings and actions had there effect in your life. You are a creative being and you are becoming aware of that and becoming aware of ho you are using your thoughts, feelings and actions, so that you can go out re-use them in a better way and create what really desire in your life. To create, is a god-like-ability. But first, see, learn and understand how you got where you are.

Even when the results where not what you had hoped for. These are the results and they show you how you have used your mind (thoughts, feelings and actions) and show you where and how to course correct.

Now that you understand better how those results showed up in your life let's continue your journey by reading the next text.

Metamorphosis level 3

Welcome to Metamorphosis level 3

Discover your life purpose and double your self belief...

“Just as a master musician may cause the most beautiful strains of music to pour forth from the strings of the violin, so may you arouse the genius which lies asleep in your brain, and cause it to drive you upward to whatever goal you may wish to achieve.” Napoleon Hill.

We all bring into our lives the things we believe. We all live based on what we believe. We feel motivated to do things every day in accordance to what we believe and value. Most of those beliefs, values, rules-for-life, norms, mindsets, philosophies etc ..we have accepted from other people around us, especially in the beginning of our life between 0-7 years old.

When we grew up we heard the same things over-and-over again, so that they got ingrained in our minds. For the good and bad, your brain accepted a ton of things just from your environment and it still does. We are truly learning machines, the question is; what are you accepting around you on a daily basis. What do you tolerate in your mind, where are you becoming  emotionally involved in on a regular basis. Because you have a conscious choice there.

Your subconscious mind or autmatic mind, changes it's wiring by repetition or sudden impact. While you grew up you saw things, heard things repeatedly and some of those things "shocked" your nervous system and wired your brain to think in a specific way, left impressions and made beliefs. It created immediate changes in the wiring of your brain and that created even more beliefs. Those connections were formed on the basis of the insights you had at those times. Childlike and often not true. Most emotions are caused by childlike mindsets, for example, I am unlovable and or unworthy.

When we work with beliefs the question becomes which connection in your brain are you empowering, the truth or the lie, the thing that you want or the thing you don't want, the guilt or the freedom, the thing you wanna strenghten or the thing you actually wanna say goodbye to.


To break the old patterns we must establish new ones in their place. In orde to do this, we must have a reason why we are willing to do this. Everything that is alive has a purpose. We all have a definite reason we are here, a function. This is called your Life purpose. As soon as you have discovered this , and you will in the exercise below, you immediately have an amazing tool to breakthrough the old patterns, create a lasting flow of energy, and it will be long and strong enough to establish the new beliefs, behaviors and ways of being. You want to stay focused on your new belief system until it is automatic. So you need to als work with your automatic mind. Just like the patterns you are operating from now are automatic. You don’t think about them, you just do them, right?

Just like learning to play the piano or a language, keep on going. I want you to understand that in the beginning it may feel very awkward and foreign. It is just like learning anything new. This is the shift in the old paradigm. You are literally breaking old brain wave electrical connections that no longer serve you or their outdated needs, and establishing new ones in their place. You might even feel resistance or get backwards rationalizations from your subconscious mind trying to make you afraid or trying stop you. Most of the time by giving you bad memories of failure, humiliation and defeat. Look at this blockage as a worried grandma that does not really understand the times you are living in NOW and will be living in soon, because look you can not stay in grandma's house all the time and continue to eat cookies with her. You need to do your thing, have your life and be with the people you need to be with. When you feel emotional blockages, it's grandma again on the phone checkin g in with you. Never be tempted to believe what you think at that stage, just remember your learning to play the piano. 


Are you ready to live your dream lifestyle? You have to make a complete decision to change your life. Anything less than 100% of your total commitment can vary your success greatly. Eliminate the back door, the “what if’s” and plan b or anything else that could alter your decision to succeed.


Let' start the exercise now. There are several levels to your conscious mind that you have to break through to your sub-conscious mind. You will have to dig from the outer to the inner minds until you find your Purpose. The responses you get may come up as mental pictures, thoughts, sounds, recollections, a knowing or feelings and/or emotions. Understand there is no right or wrong answer here. You are unique unto yourself, this is all that matters. Find a time and place where you can sit quietly and will not be distracted or disturbed. 

Do this exercise now and take it very seriously because you are about to discover your life purpose and why you are here. Put all electronic devices out and go to a place where you won't be disturbed for at least 30 minutes. Go do it now...

Fill out the action form...

Describe the income level you want to have and a specific date:

My income goal is........to earn......on this date.........

Describe in detail WHY you want it:







Answer these questions: 

What will I see or what kind of achievements will I have that prove to me that I am on the right path?  


How will I celebrate and what kind of rewards do I give myself for achieving all of those results? 

How does my environment look like, that will prove to me, that I am on the right track?  

Metamorphosis level 4

Welcome to Metamorphosis level 4

Make your personal succes script right here....

It's time to make your personal succes script:

It is time to put all the answers that you have been given so far in the Metamorphosis Training down on paper. It' s time to make a personal succes script. First put it on paper, organize it later while you continue this exercise. As soon as you have finished, print it out and read it as much as you can every day, just a sentence or more is enough. It is your personal succes-script, you will have a vision with precision. It will contain all your previous answers in present tense as if it already happened.

You need to integrate your goals, your why, verifications and achievement(s), rewards and your environment(s) into this statement. It is extremely important to include a time and date, and be as specific and descriptive as possible. Include sights, smells, sounds, emotions as well as physical sensations and actions in great detail.  

Make is very personal, use your own language, be emotional, use action words motions, verbs and present tense.


Here is a blueprint for making your personal succes script.

The date, Month/Day/Year, at a specific Time of Day, I am (give a very specific, detailed physical description of where you are) and I am (what you are doing). I (include your verifications and achievements). Noticing that I have now created the results that I wanted to achieve my dreams and desires, it (how does it make you feel?) I am now living my Purpose in Life of (state what your purpose is here). By achieving this result now, I am rewarding myself with (what is your reward?) Use all your senses, sight, smell, sound, feelings and emotions. The more you include, the greater detailed and clearer your vision in your mind’s eye will be.


Make your personal succes script here: …..............................................................................................................................................................................................................


































Now when you are ready. Close your eyes and experience in great detail, how it looks, feels and sounds for you, to be in that lifestyle... really enjoy it and feel all the feelings. Then look back to the present moment and discover, what you have done to achieve these results and your dream life style. Use all 40 lines below, just continue writing even of you don't know what to write anymore, when you continue writing, maybe even making up, the energy inside you will keep flowing and more answers will come. 

When you ready take a look at all the answers and notice which answers inspire you or resonate with you, because that is your subconscious mind telling you to take action on those. Your subconscious mind already knows how to create your dream life style. Begin to take action on those immediately and plan them into your calendar right away. Take action now and make a list of inspired action points to create your succes and fulfill your purpose.

"Close your eyes and experience  in great detail, how it is for you to be in that lifestyle, really enjoy it and feel the feelings. Then look back to the present moment and discover what you have done to achieve these results and your dream life style"









































Metamorphosis level 5

Welcome to Metamorphosis level 5

Living from the heart...

Finding your BIG WHY:

Your true hearts desire comes from your purpose and is very different then a want. A desire is something you so deeply love as if it lives within you already, and in truth that is correct, it already is inside you. Also at the core of your being, lies WHY you do what you do and make the decisions you make, this place is most of the time hidden deep within the sub-conscious mind. In the next exercise that is the place where you will go to and discover your life purpose, your inner most desire. 

When you TUNE IN with that energy within yourself, then a deep power awakens inside you, and your whole consciousness will shift. Please take this exercise very seriously. You gonna go levels deep inside yourself and enter into the center of your being. You gonna do that with asking yourself a question, sincerity will cause the discovery of your life purpose and inner most desire, this is a huge power always in side you. I am gonna guide you to fuse with that power, to have it always easily available to you. After a few times of answering the question below while focusing on the answer, your conscious mind will become quiet. This means you have reached into the unconscious mind. Do this at least one more time to fully engage your sub- conscious mind. Some have been known to get emotional when they arrive here. This is ok and completely safe to do. Your subconscious mind will communicate with you know in creative ways. For example answers will come like, feelings, images, sounds, smells, memories, sentences, or just a deep INNER knowing that you have arrived. However your creative mind will communicate to you in its own unique and personal way, that will be the right way. Now relax and enjoy this unbelievable powerful exercise in discovering your life purpose. Please take this exercise very seriously. Concentrate and focus, dim the lights etc...

Do this exercise when you have at least one hour of undisturbed free time...                

1. Ask yourself this question: When I have achieved my goal, what will that give me that I don’t have now? Write your answer down. In whatever form it comes be specific.

2. As you keep concentrating on the answer the last question, ask the question again. Write down your next answer in great detail.

3. You will notice that you’re starting to get a deeper into your mind. Keep on going! As you focus on the last answer, ask the question again. Write it down on paper, the first thing that comes up. Keep concentrating on that answer, as it may at first be unclear. Keep focusing on it until it becomes clear.    

4. When your mind becomes more silent, you have reached your unconscious mind. Focus on those feelings and energy of your previous answer and ask the same question again. Whatever new answer comes in, focus on it. You can become aware of the answers in many ways, images, sounds, thoughts, inner knowings, just be open for it, let it come and concentrate on the answers you are getting, until it is a clear enough. Write your new answer down here.

5. Now that you have reached the inner depths of your unconscious mind, allow it to be present. Ask your soul to bring forth your inner most desire and to let you know when you have arrived there. Let the answer fill up your whole being. Ask the same question again. Pay attention to the answer that forms within. Write your detailed answer.  

6. Now you are deep into your own unconscious mind. From that quiet place, ask your being to bring forth, your innermost desire. Be open for: feelings, images, sounds, smells, memories, sentences, or just a deep INNER knowing, as you ask the same question again, keeping focused on your last answer. Write down what comes through as soon as you feel the answer(s) coming.


Let the answers and feelings sink deeply into yourself and fill up your whole being until it becomes part of who you are. Now that you are aware of your innermost desire, answer how will it affect the way you do your business, having relationships and how you think about your future?


Now take some time to make a list of resources, whether they be people, experiences, money, information, understandings, time, education, skills, or anything else that you can think of that will assist you in achieving your goal and life purpose. Write down everything you did to achieve your desired results, as if they have already happened and you’re looking back at them.



























Now take some time to make a list of resources you do NOT have yet. These could be anything that will help you in achieving your dream lifestyle, that when you need them they will find their way to you effortlessly and in a timely manner. This is the universe lining up to you, your purpose and your commitment. Write these down here:                                                 


























This is your future and the future is NOW:

"In this way you will make 2020 your best year ever..."

As you are going through all the exercises you will create a life plan which is based on your life purpose and it will show you how to realize your own succes. Go over all the exercises and enjoy having a clear vision of your ideal lifestyle and who you want to be. Having the life you want is your birthright and destiny. It is a good way to help other people as well. Making the best of yourself and others is a very rewarding, great and loving way of being. It's an honor to share this information with you.